We have the pleasure and honor of interviewing an expert or specialist every month for our Patreon. Here’s a little peak at some of the amazing guests we’ve had so far!
Skye Borgman - Acclaimed director of Abducted In Plain Sight, Girl in the Picture, I Just Killed My Dad, and most recently, Sins of Our Mother.
Amanda Knox - Wrongfully convicted, starred in the Amanda Knox documentary, and host of Labyrnths: Getting Lost with Amanda Knox
Dr. Bryanna Fox - Former FBI Special Agent, co-author of Evidence-Based Offender Profiling and star of Descent of a Serial Killer
Dr. Janja Lalich - World renowned cult expert and author of Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships and many more
Charlotte Laws - SuperMom and whistleblower of Hunter Moore, featured prominently in The Most Hated Man on the Internet
Lucy Taylor - Host of SNAPPED the Podcast, a podcast about the horrors of Greek Life
Cory Chalmers - Hoarding expert on A&E’s Hoarders
Dr. Joni Johnston - Forensic psychologist and author of Serial Killers: 101 Questions True Crime Fans Ask
Barbra Fisher - Ex-employee of cult leader Doc Antle, prominently featured in Tiger King and Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story
Kris Pedretti - Activist and survivor of the Golden State Killer
Jen Carole - Activist whose parents were murdered by the Golden State Killer
Mark Linsenmayer - Philosophy expert, host of The Partially Examined Life
Jon Schnitzer - Filmmaker, Haunters: The Art of the Scare documentary
Helen Zuman - Ex-member of Zendik Arts Farm and author of Mating in Captivity
Amanda Householder - Cult leader's daughter (Circle of Hope)
Frank McAndrew - Expert on creepiness
Paul Prestia - Civil rights defense attorney, Kalief Browder’s attorney, featured in Time: The Kalief Browder Story
Rana Husseini - Activist and author of Murder in the Name of Honour: The True Story of One Woman's Heroic Fight Against an Unbelievable Crime
Dylan Reeve - Writer and filmmaker of Tickled
Mick Priestly - Jack the Ripper expert and author of Jack the Ripper: One Autumn in Whitechapel
Kathleen Marden - UFOlogist and author of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction
Mark Juergenmeyer - Expert in religious studies
Lena - Penpal to BTK and other high profile serial killers
Anna LeBaron - Cult (Church of the First Born of the Lamb of God) leader's daughter and author of The Polygamist’s Daughter
Bryce Alred - Cult (Apostolic United Brethren) leader's great grandson
… and more, and we have some other very exciting interviews lined up over the next few months!
World Renowned Cult Expert Dr. Janja Lalich
Ash and Cam asked Dr. Lalich all the questions about all things cults, so get ready to have some of your long awaited cult questions answered!
Janja Lalich, Ph.D. is a researcher, author, and educator specializing in cults and extremist groups, with a particular focus on charismatic relationships, political and other social movements, ideology and social control, and issues of gender and sexuality. She has been a consultant to educational, mental health, business, media, and legal professionals, as well as having worked with current members, former members, and families of members of controversial groups.
Find Janja on Twitter @Janja_Lalich and on her website.
*This is just a peek! To hear the full version, as well as many other amazing guest interviews, head over to our Patreon tab!
FBI Special Agent and Forensic Psychologist Bryanna Fox
Former FBI Special Agent Bryanna Fox talks with Ash and Cam about the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths, forensic psychology, offender profiling, Ed Kemper and a ton of other super nifty stuff!
Dr. Bryanna Fox is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology and Faculty Affiliate of the Florida Mental Health Institute at the University of South Florida. Her research focuses on the identification of psychological and developmental risk factors for criminal behavior and prolific offending, experimental field research, and evidence-based policing and crime prevention strategies. Good Golly!
Find Bryanna on Twitter @DrBryannaFox and on her website.
Kalief Browder’s Defense Attorney Paul Prestia
Ashley and Cam had the opportunity to go over Kalief Browder's case in detail with defense attorney Paul Prestia, as well as learn more about Kalief's experience, and the American criminal justice system. Paul represented Kalief, and is an advocate for much needed reform in the criminal justice system.
Find Paul on Twitter @pvpesq and on his website.
*This is just a peek! To hear the full version, as well as many other amazing guest interviews, head over to our Patreon tab!
Haunters: The Art of the Scare Creator Jon Schnitzer
Who works at Mckamey Manor? Is Russ Mckamey drugging people? Why isn’t he in jail? Is he streaming red rooms on the dark web? We got some answers! Jon went through multiple haunts with different people and had complete access as they were happening, for the entirety of them.
Ash and Cam interview filmmaker Jon Schnitzer about his time at Mckamey Manor. Jon is the writer and director of Haunters: The Art of the Scare, a documentary about haunted houses, with an emphasis on extreme haunts. He spent hours and hours and hours filming with Russ at Mckamey Manor over the course of a few years. He unlocks so many of the mysteries surrounding what the hell is actually going on in this interview. It was an experience he’ll never forget… and not in a good way.
Find Jon on Twitter @Jon_Schnitzer and on his website.